iRacing has decided for several reasons to move the 4 official seasons closer to a calendar basis. The seasons will still be the normal 13 weeks with 12 weeks of official racing and a “fun” week in which iRacing deploy a new software update 4 times per year. Note: The seasons will not line up exactly with the calendar because for example we do not want to be deploying builds over the holidays and on New Year’s Eve.
DOWNLOAD: [download id=”6211″]
The seasons will instead end about two or weeks before each calendar quarter end. Roughly March 15, June 15, Sept 15, and December 15. (Again not exactly those days).
In order to make this change season 4 will be shortened dramatically. It will only be six weeks of official racing. (Schedule below). Race participation credits will still be in effect. You will qualify for participation credits by racing five out of the six weeks. There also will be ONE drop weeks for this shortened season 4. Also the Pro Series will be normal 12 weeks although iRacing may shorten that a bit to 10 weeks. More on that from the competition committee will be sent to the drivers shortly.
2014 – Season 4 “One Time” Abbreviated Season.
10/21 S3w13 deploy build – “fun week”
10/28 S4 w1
11/04 S4 w2
11/11 S4 w3
11/18 S4 w4
11/25 S4 w5
12/02 S4 w6
12/09 S4 w7 deploy build – “fun week”
Although not listed here, the Ford GT GT3 car will be in the GT3 Series.
There will be four additional series created next week for official team racing after the build is deployed. Two for road racing and two for oval racing.