iRacing is slowly implementing track marshals at tracks on the service. First pointed out by a member on the iRacing forum, iRacing staff confirmed the addition.
Alexander Horn:
Track marshals confirmed. I’m not sure if they will be at all tracks with the new build, I believe there is an initial list of tracks which will be added to.
Greg Hill:
To expand on this a bit: yes we are starting to add a variety of new characters around the track. These include corner workers, safety personnel, and photographers. However, for now at least, these additions are aesthetic. The corner workers do not do any flagging and aren’t hooked in to race control. That’s a potential future improvement for them, though.
We have set them up so they are capable of having a variety of appearances . The safety marshals, for example, will appear in orange firesuits at most tracks. When running NASCAR cars though, they will be in the firesuit that you typically see at a NASCAR race with red pants and sleeves, and a white torso. Lime Rock outfits their crew in yellow firesuits so we may have them appear that way.
Flagger wise we now can do the same. Our NASCAR flaggers will now be dressed in a more appropriate black and white. Others will be in the typical iRacing blue and white suit. We’ll extend this in other ways going forward.