– Fixed an issue where telemetry would record bad values for ride height.
– Set a minimum movement before the mouse wakes up when it is hidden on the driving screen, so motion platforms or steering wheel force feedback shaking the mouse won’t pop the mouse pointer into view.
– Fixed some spelling mistakes in the TJ and Steve spotter pack: your to you’re.
– Fixed some bugs that were causing certain replays to not load.
– Hide the start flagger when viewing a replay, instead of leaving him waving whatever flag he was last showing while you were driving. We currently do not store the new starter flagger in our replays, so we cannot yet show him waving the correct flags at the appropriate times in replays.
– Fixed a bug where setups with very long filenames could fail to load.
– Fixed a bug that would crash the sim when trying to export a setup from the garage. The new setup notes will now export too.
– Fixed a bug that would cause the name of iRacing setups to not be shown when viewing the exported HTML for the setups.
– Update HPD ARX-01c setups for the second half of the season.
– Add some more Chevrolet Corvette C6R setups.
– A new Dallara IndyCar Talladega setup.
– Updated the stockcars to use ‘short track’ tires at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Updated setups have been included.
– Updated some setups for the Chevrolet Impala, Chevrolet Impala Class B, and Chevrolet National Impala.
Dallara IndyCar
– Further revisions to drafting aerodynamic effects.
– Increased the fuel consumption of the engine to achieve the desired target of 33 to 34 wide open throttle laps at Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Riley MkXX Daytona Prototype
– Pitboxes will now use the correct color from your car’s paintscheme.
Williams-Toyota FW31
– Fixed a bug in the inerters that could cause the sim to crash.
– Fixed start/finish booths at several tracks to stay visible when the sim is set to low detail graphic settings so that the new starter flagger isn’t left floating in mid air: Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, New Smyrna Speedway, Phoenix International Raceway, Road Atlanta.
– Further updates to the new track surface shaders at Barber Motorsports Park.