Replays page
Saved replays are stored on your local hard drive. The web interface to your saved replays allows you to filter which ones you’d like to look for and easily launch the simulator to view them.
STATS > Clubs & Divisions has been removed and replaced by STATS > Regional
Here, you can look up Overall Standings and Standings by Series for current and past seasons. Several new data columns have been added. Top 10 and Top 25 Drivers may be looked up by Region, Club, and Division under Standings by Series.
Home Page Region Standings
These standings have been enhanced to provide Top 5 drivers per Race Type, Division, Region, and Club.
Home Page Reigning Champs
This has been enhanced to provide champions lookup for all past seasons.
Race, Qualify & Time Trial What’s Hot Widget
The columns ‘time’, ‘track’, and ‘session type’ have been added to the widget. This will make it possible to know the type of session (race, qualify or time trial) and track before going the sessions page.
Open Practice What’s Hot Widget
This widget has been added to the home page to support open practice sessions and displays the ‘sessionid’, ‘series’, ‘track’, ‘no. of registered drivers’, ‘time left in the session’ and ‘drivers list of registered users’. This widget updates approx. every 30 secs. Mousing over the helmet will provide the list of currently registered/participating members.
Session Page – Open Practice
Open Practice sessions have replaced ‘Practice’ sessions. Each open practice session will display how much time is left in the session, and mousing over the grey helmet next to the session will provide a list of currently registered/participating members for that session.
Series Page
A Minimum Participation Requirement (MPR) indicator has been added to the Series page. A green arrow or yellow equal sign indicates that participating in this series will count toward the MPR for license advancement (you will be ‘racing up’ or in your license class). A red arrow indicates that participating in this series will not count toward the MPR, since you would be ‘racing down’.
Browser Support
As WebKit-based browsers gain popularity for their faster, leaner browser experience, we are adding support for these browsers, including Safari and Chrome.
Race Control
Local yellow flags are available in road course practice, qualifying, and race sessions to warn you of possible trouble ahead. These are currently informational only, there is no penalty for passing while under a local yellow. A local yellow will appear as a blinking yellow flag in the top left corner of the screen.
Blue flags are available in road course qualifying and race sessions. Blue flags are informational only, advising you that you may be impeding someone. In a road course qualifying session, if you are on your out lap and someone who has finished their out lap (and is therefore likely to be on a hot lap) is close behind you, a blue flag will appear in the top left corner of the screen. In a road course race session, if anyone about to lap you or multiple laps up on you is close behind you you will see the blue flag.
Trackside caution lights and the pace car’s lights now work.
The spotter is disabled by default, and can be enabled in-sim under Options / Sound.
Volume can be adjusted by setting volume up/down controls in Options / Controls and use those controls while in-car.
Currently, the spotter only warns you of nearby cars. Much more is planned for the future.
Replays can be edited & saved in-sim.
To save part of a replay:
On the Replay screen, click on the tools (‘wrench and hammer’) button in the replay controls to show the edit controls.
Move the current view to the start or end of the portion you want to save and press the ‘scissors’ button to mark where you want to cut from.
Move the current view to the other end of the portion you want to save and press the ‘disk’ button.
Name your replay and save.
To save the entire replay:
Show the edit controls as explained above.
Don’t set any cut points. You can clear an existing cut point by clicking on the ‘undo’ button.
Press the ‘disk’ button to save.
Name your replay and save.
You can view replays on computers that don’t have pedals. The ‘drive’ button will be replaced with ‘Configure Controls’.
The sim can be launched without needing to configure controls; you still need to configure your controls to enter your car. If you have unconfigured controls, the ‘Drive’ button will be labeled, ‘Configure Controls’ and will bring up the options screen.
Open Practice Sessions
Support for open practice sessions has been added. On the sessions page, each running open session displays a session number, the remaining time, the number of drivers currently on track versus the number of drivers allowed on track at once, and your ping to the server. A list of the drivers in the session is available by mousing over the helmet next to the session info.
To join a session, click the red session link, and the race panel will briefly display ‘staging,’ followed by a ‘join’ button. If the session fills up before you are able to register you will instead receive a message that the session has become full.
Each open practice session has a limit of how many drivers can be on track at the same time. When the track is full, no other drivers may join the session until someone else withdraws. Also, each open practice session’s entry list is currently limited to a total of 64 unique drivers. Once the entry list has become full, only drivers who were previously in the session, and therefore already in the entry list, can re-join it.
If you get disconnected from an open practice session you can simply click the join button again to get back on track. But, if you wait too long (about 4 minutes), you will be automatically withdrawn. If this happens, you need to go to the ‘select session’ web page and re-register for the session. Once you re-join you will get your old car back.
Finally, when a new driver first comes out on track you might see them for several seconds in a white car, and with gray helmet images in the user interface – this is working as designed. After your system finishes creating their textures and helmet images, their proper paint schemes should appear.
The Chevy Impala SS has been added.
The suspension on the truck has been improved’better and more realistic available travel, the perch adjustability should allow enough range of ride height, spring rate, cross weight, etc. The aero numbers for the truck are improved.
The ‘backwards aero’ issue has been fixed.
There is now a minimum tire pressure required at each track for the Truck (and Impala) which follows what is required in the real world.
There is now a maximum right height for the Truck (and Impala).
The tires on the Truck and Impala have more of a fall off in grip as the tires wear.