– The garage now asks to save a changed setup when clicking on the button to load a shared setup.
– Changed the surface/tire interaction physics back to how it was prior to the 2010 build. The new method is better for a newer tire model that is in development, but it turns out that it can’t be easily adapted to the old tire model.
– Don’t shorten cautions by a lap at extra long tracks if the new double file restart type is being used to allow the double file restart order to be constructed correctly.
Impala A
– Fixed an issue at superspeedways where nose high setups were faster compared to a nose down setup than intended.
Impala B
– Fixed an issue at superspeedways where nose high setups were faster compared to a nose down setup than intended.
– Fixed the cars flying through the air like paper darts due to an unbounded aerodynamic equation.
– Fixed error where drag was referencing race tape values even when using qualifying tape.
– Reduced engine cooling at Super Speedway tracks when using qualifying tape.