-Race Planner: This Dashboard gadget allows users to show their intent to race in a future race event. It is split into two sections: “My Planned Races” and “Future Races”. The Future Races area displays a list of all races in any one series on a day-by-day basis. To show your intent to participate in one of these races, merely click on the Bell icon in the rightmost column (if you are eligible). Doing so will move this race up to your My Planned Races area. If you want to remove this event click on the blue X icon in the rightmost column. Once the race is 30 minutes from starting you can register for the race directly from the Race Planner via the same method as What’s Hot.
-Race Participation Tracker: Race Participation Tracker can be used as a tool to keep track of your current official series participation status. To use the Race Participation Tracker, hover your mouse over the “CRED” graphic in the upper right corner of the page. To learn about our Race Participation Credit Program visit our promotions page.
-Hosted iRacing: A bug was fixed where results could not be viewed for hosted sessions that had quotes embedded in their names.
-Store: With the introduction of our new Cafe Press store we have re-designed the Store -> Gear page. http://members.iracing.com/membersite/member/store_gear.jsp