In a thrilling turn of events for sim racing enthusiasts, iRacing and INDYCAR have officially reignited their longstanding partnership, signaling the return of the...
The NASCAR PEAK Antifreeze Series is our eSport World Championship series officially sanctioned by NASCAR featuring the world’s most elite oval sim-racers. They compete...
iRacing today announced a partnership that will see the popular online motorsports simulation service create digital models of the German automaker’s iconic race cars,...
Tony Gardner provides an update about an upcoming feature to iRacing, Time-Attack! This new hot-lapping competition/feature we think is going to be a great... and Skip Barber Racing Schools announced today that they have extended a partnership that marries the premier online motorsports simulation service with the...
iRacing Motorsport Simulation, LLC today announced plans to create digital versions of Ferrari’s models. The first product of the partnership between the renowned eSport...