In a thrilling turn of events for sim racing enthusiasts, iRacing and INDYCAR have officially reignited their longstanding partnership, signaling the return of the...
In a groundbreaking move that showcases the growing intersection of virtual and real-world racing, NASCAR made history this weekend by hosting its first-ever street...
iRacing has recently updated its Spotter System with new spotter calls and updates for race control. These enhancements aim to provide a more accurate...
iRacing, the popular online racing simulation platform, has announced that its current license agreement with Indycar is set to expire on December 31, 2022....
iRacing has announced that it has successfully defeated a meritless patent lawsuit that was brought against it. The lawsuit, which was filed in 2020,...
iRacing, the popular online racing simulation platform, has announced that its virtual Chicago street course will become a reality for NASCAR in 2023. The...
By Chris Leone (iRacing) Earlier this year, Speedway Motorsports unveiled a new-look Atlanta Motor Speedway to millions of race fans on-site and watching on television...