In a thrilling turn of events for sim racing enthusiasts, iRacing and INDYCAR have officially reignited their longstanding partnership, signaling the return of the...
One of iRacing’s biggest independently organized events enters its second stage tonight, as qualifying for the Blue-Emu Firecracker 400 kicks off tonight at 7PM...
Coming on the heels of a successful year across NASCAR’s fast-growing esports platform – the sanctioning body is today announcing an all-new eNASCAR series...
One of iRacing’s biggest independent events kicks off tonight with the return of the Blue-Emu Firecracker 400, a unique multi-week event organized by eRacr...
iRacing’s ever-expanding slate of AI content continues to grow for the upcoming 2021 Season 3 build, set for release on Wednesday. Multiple cars and...
iRacing is pleased to confirm the Dallara iRacing Grand Prix Championship, an open-wheel series featuring the Dallara iR-01 for professional sim racers, will make...